red hot ready to riot

red hot ready to riot
ceramics two-sixty-one--01--3credits

Friday, June 11, 2010

weekend hours for saturday the 12th 2-4pm and 6 till 8pm break for worldcup US v England
Sunday the 13th of june 11am til 5pm

Thursday, June 3, 2010

this a great site for checking out glazes and thinking about how you want your pieces glazed: I want you all to find a low-fire (remember cones are clay talk for firing temperatures low fire means 04-06 or lower) glaze recipe that you would like to make to test to see if we want to make a batch for the whole class.

Foe those making work with the BCS clay body you can look for a mid-fire glaze recipe cone 5 or cone 6

open studio hours

Mondays 11-12:30pm
Tuesday 7-9:30pm
Wednesday 4:20-6pm
Thursday 11:30-12:30pm

stay tuned for weekends and friday times I'll be in the studio